So What A Wonderful World on Piano Play

One of the best songs to play beginners at the piano for a safe What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong. There are many different ways to play this song and this article I show you one of the simplest, but really good sound.

This song should be played in F major, then F, G, A, Bm, C, D, E and F. This song should be played slowly and softly. Start with C, C, F, F, the text continues with the C2 (c) see (c), trees (f) (f) Green (C2). If the opera continuesred roses, you should play D2, D2, D2, C2, and as with BM, BM, BM, A still see them bloom for me and sing and play only if G, G, G, F. The part I think what a wonderful world such as F, F, F, F, F, F - F, F, E, F, G, A.

The arrangements for each part can be played starting with the left hand on the F, A, C2 (not press, but simply gives the left hand). Start with your right hand with C, F and F as a game, A, C2 with the other hand, you do not playbut at the beginning of time itself with his left hand when the other is over and if the left ended with F, C2, and agreements with the left hand first play E, A, C, and immediately after, FD, Bm continue . Continue the same with D2, D2, D2, C2, and then play F, A, C (Fa-major agreement again) with his left hand and G, B flat major, D later. Take flowers, with notes that go along with opera, I see them. Chords are F-sharp major and E, G and C. After playing G, G, G, F, play the chords D, F, A with the left handtwice and then to G, B flat major, D. Go Now comes the F, F, E, F, G, A and play with his left hand when you press and the right hand playing C and G each half the length of the E, F, if you play it again play B-flat and C major with the game of his left hand as G, A, you just add the F major agreement in the end.

That is all I hope that sounds simple enough, so you can play in a short time.

Friends Link : play piano piano software piano chords


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