Piano Tabs - Learn to Play Yesterday

In this piano lesson you will learn to read Easy Piano tab notation. You will also learn a lot using only the melody of the piano. We will use the popular song Yesterday as an example.

To really learn to read music sheet piano is a useful goal. It opens a world of music waiting to be played with the fingers. However, it will take some time to really master the art of reading sheet music.

Plancards are tools that can help you quickly learn the tunes. You are not a complete substitute for sheet music notation skills can read to learn in a simple, easy melodies as you develop your eye.

It is a system used for the reading and writing piano tab notation. In this system, you have to learn the piano keys with the white on your computer. Find the first note is middle C. This note is in the middle of a piano keyboard. If aa closer look at the keys blacks, you will notice that they are organized in groups of two or three buttons.

Middle C is immediately on your left, a group of two blacks in the middle of the keyboard keys. It is sometimes referred to as C4, because the piano in the fourth octave of a municipality. be called on a keyboard with fewer keys, the key in the middle of the keyboard or C4.

What is an octave?

If you start with a grade of C and the notes to the rightC, you play a C major scale. The notes are CDEFG b. The note comes after b is the next c. As you can see the next c has the same two buttons on the far left of blacks in the middle c. This is sometimes called the C5 c, because great is the fifth of eighth or a piano.

The notes from C to C means the next octave. Octave means eight and you have played eight notes when you play from C to the next c. This interval is repeated all over the keyboard.C3 is the left middle c to c and so on.

Piano tab notation that we use in this article is the simplified form of a piano used on the Internet. Here are the rules:

1. The white keys we use are listed in lowercase letters. That is, CDEFG and B.

2. The eighth in which you specify on the notes with a number. c4 means half C. If these instructions are in the same octave, there are no numbers after the notesuntil the eighth.

3. If you are playing is shown on a black key with a capital letter. C: the black key immediately to the right of c. Usual notation in the notes C #, this written note.

Now is the time to try, Beatles play the first notes of the past, using our simple piano tab notation. I'll show you the first line of the song under the corresponding melody written with piano tabs.

Yesterday, all my troublesIt seemed so far away

d4 cce FG by c5 b4 a

Now it seems that they are here to stay

a4 agfedfee

Oh, I believe in yesterday

CED c4 d4 a5 ee

Now we have finished the first stanza. The second stanza has the same melody in the bridge to jump right in:

Because if they leave, I do not know, could not have said

e4 eab c5 b4 ABAG

I said something wrong, now I was yesterday

eab c5 b4 g4 e4 c5 abagb fand

Then you can tune in the verse is complete again. I recommend that you memorize the melody one line at a time. This little exercise piano tab is an introduction to the whole system log notation can be found online.

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